
Why managing your Expectations and Perception is important?

Expectations: Expectations refer to the beliefs, assumptions, or anticipations an individual holds about a future event, outcome, or situation. They involve imagining or predicting what is likely to happen based on personal desires, experiences, and knowledge. Expectations can be conscious or subconscious and play a role in shaping our attitudes, emotions, and behavior.   Perceptions: Perceptions refer to the process of interpreting and making sense of sensory information from the environment. They involve how we understand, recognize, and assign meaning to stimuli such as sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and touch. Perceptions are influenced by our senses, past experiences, cognitive processes, and cultural context. They shape our understanding of the world and play a crucial role in decision-making, problem-solving, and social interactions.    Managing your expectations and perception is important for several reasons: 1. Emotional well-being: When we set unrealistic expectations

Who was Epictetus and What does his Philosophy Teach us?

  Epictetus  was a Greek Stoic Philosopher, born as a Slave in 50 A.D., The name Epictetus in Greek simply Translates to "Gained" or "Acquired".  Epictetus gained an interest in Philosophy early in Life. With permission from his master, he began attending the Lectures on Stoic Philosophy from Gaius Musonius Rufus Epictetus was one of the founding fathers of Stoic School of thought. There are no notable works published by Epictetus himself, but of his famous disciple Arrian who used to attend Epictetus' Lectures and his notes were documented and later Published as " Discourses  of Epictetus". Epictetus' Philosophy revolved around a very important quality everyone needs in all walks of Life, that is Resilience. Epictetus Says " Our First task in Life is to identify and distinguish between what is upto us and what is not upto us "  In any event, in all walks of life, there are bound to be uncertainties, difficulties and challenges. To deal

What is Resilience?

Image Source: Resilience is the ability to bounce back from difficult experiences or setbacks. It's a quality that allows people to cope with adversity, trauma, or stress in a healthy way, and to recover and grow from those experiences. There are a few key elements that contribute to resilience: Flexibility : Being able to adapt to change and recover from setbacks quickly Persistence : The ability to keep going and stay motivated, even in the face of challenges Problem-solving skills : The ability to identify and address problems effectively Support : Having a strong support system of family, friends, and community can help provide the resources and encouragement needed to cope with adversity Positive outlook : A hopeful, optimistic attitude can help people maintain perspective and persevere through challenges Resilience is an important quality for people of all ages, but it ca